How to backup PhotoStation to another volume or another Synology machine
Create a shell script for the backup
vi ~/bin/
Backup into another volume
- Create db dump
- rsync to another volume
sudo pg_dump photo -U postgres > /volume1/photo/photo.sql
rsync -av --delete --progress --exclude '@eaDir' "/volume1/photo/" /volume2/photo_backup/
rsync -av --delete --progress --exclude '@eaDir' "/volume1/homes/ufnec/" /volume2/backup/ufnec/
Backup into another synology
- Create db dump
- rsync to another Synology
sudo pg_dump photo -U postgres > /volume1/photo/photo.sql
rsync -avP -e "/usr/bin/ssh -v -i /ufnec/.ssh/id_rsa" /volume2/photo/ [email protected]:/volume1/NAS_BACKUP/ds1815/photo
rsync -avP -e "/usr/bin/ssh -v -i /ufnec/.ssh/id_rsa" /volume2/homes/ufnec/ [email protected]:/volume1/NAS_BACKUP/ds1815/ufnec
chmod 700 ~/bin/
Schedule the script with cron job.